
To begin with, I'm bored out of swedish, so I'm goin' to wright in english for a while, until I get sick of that too. And then, our englishlesson.. Oh my god I say. We've been listening to a tape, a sound-book named "Letters from the inside" and it was accualy real good, but the ending was.. naa.. Kill me I say.. I even went to the library to read the book and se if it realy ended like that, and YES it did.. And now I'm supposed to call Alma and tell her how it enden.. So I feel kinda' fucked up.. Or something xD How ever, I'm at the library now, but I'm supposed to go to the bridge now and meet Micaela ad CJ, and possibly Joel too, I don't know, Micaela is the  one that decided it all.. But anyhow.. See ya later,

L, Frida

PS. I'm still listening to Afasi & Filthy, they're better than best!! DS.


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